Pictures on the river

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Pictures on the river

Postby oldstuckinthemud » Tue Feb 21, 2017 1:09 pm

If you can "Picture" this...
Mid February IN MONTANA' An actual traffic jam on the river.
Who'da figured ?
The boy and I went to check ice the other week and this week we thought we would do a coyote calling/boat trip on the river.
We got at the ramp fairly early but not before sunup.
Thinking there was no rush, WHAT 4 other boats where already in the water and dispersed someplace on a 149 mile peace of water a 100 yards wide, the river.
Well OK but DANG. We push off there is BLM/State land inter mixed with a lot of private land along the river, we had to find Public as to not be trespassing by bullet.
Found a few spots but where foiled by boat traffic. Found some more and yup more boats of fisherman already there. A wonderful day for just being out , to bad we did not have our fishing stuff with us we found and marked some great looking spots to come back to and fish.
We did make a call that did produce a responder but it would not commit to come across a 5oo yard stretch of flat grass. The 6mm did a very valiant try but the little movement from the boat can take the MOA out of a rifle at 500 yards. The coyote almost went dead and never saw us and probably never herd the shot. A puff of dust in it's face and it trotted back in to the brake wondering what the heck???

Anyway some pics...

The boat ramp parking In Feb in Montana

Hit the gas and pray
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